Minuet should be installed in this directory to work with Bobcat as an external program, or you will have to change a lot of directory references. The Minuet FAQ is at http://www.CompleteIS.com/~cdh/minuet.html Minuet may be obtained by using Bobcat and connecting to http://www.fdisk.com/doslynx/minuet/ Get a self extracting file called minarc18.exe. After extracting , the various parameters should be inserted in the Setup menus as explained below. There are three menus you must setup for Minuet as a helper to Bobcat. The User menu is the e-mail stuff and should be filled in completely if you plan to use Minuet for e-mail. Servers menu needs only a mail and news server address filled in if you are going to use them. The rest are unimportant as you will be queried for an address if there is none, when running Minuet manually . Mail port number should be 110 for popmail and news port number is normally 119 The network menu is the most important. The only information it receives from Bobcat is the IP address so that particular entry can be left blank . However you must fill in the rest in order to run Minuet. I have set up Minuet to look as if it is part of Bobcat , but in actual fact it is a complete stand alone program. It runs in a dos shell and only enough of Bobcat remains in memory to allow returning to the correct spot in Bobcat when you leave Minuet. Remember, two alt -x 's will hang up if you are in Minuet, the first drops you to Bobcat , the second drops to dos after unloading epppd. The most important three lines in Network to get right are netmask, gateway and nameserver. Use the same entries you used in wattcp.cfg If you have problems with Minuet locking up when you try to set information in the network menu, do it online. It seems that version 18a needs a packet driver installed to allow this information to be entered. Or if you want to try fooling Minuet into thinking it is online, load slipper with this command . When you exit Minuet Setup unload slipper with the command , and Minuet will have saved the Setup data properly. And you should be using version 18a. Remember that if you are using Minuet it will not work with a proxy server. The package KEYTAP.ZIP should be unzipped in this directory. It is a shareware program that pre types keystrokes and is an example of one way of running Minuet as an external program to BOBCAT. Read the file external.htm for more information Hints for Minuet users from ve3lgs #1 In the version e-06 and later I have included some search engine forms for lycos, altavista and dogpile which can be used with Minuet. They were sent by John Bullough ( bulloj@ rpi.edu) and are a brilliant solution to the lack of Form handling in Minuet. #2 Minuet cannot handle unsorted lists of newsgroups and seems to balk when it reaches its limit. If your provider does not sort his list or you get a list that is much shorter than you know the list to be. you may still get the entire list with the following trick. Use Minuet to telnet to port 119 of your news server. Then use alt C to open a log file, type list and get the entire list via telnet. Then use rpsort to put it into alphabetical order. Move it to the Minuet newsgrps directory where it should be renamed groups.txt so Minuet can use it. It works very well. Thanks for the idea to Ralf Mueller. Happy Browsing. John , ve3lgs@bigfoot.com